These last few weeks have been stressful, and we know that the stress may continue for a while before life gets back to normal. Here at Apollo Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, we want you to know that we are still here for you during this quarantine and will continue to be available to help you out throughout the COVID-19 crisis.
Essential Businesses
Even though we are all practicing social distancing and have been ordered to stay home, essential businesses can still stay open. Those are businesses whose services are necessary for survival or for health and well-being, whose employees cannot effectively do their jobs remotely.
Essential businesses include healthcare businesses, like doctor’s offices, hospitals, and dentists. Also included are places where people go to get food, like grocery stores and restaurants. Services businesses, like plumbers, are also allowed to operate. After all, with more people staying home and with the amount of toilet paper some people seem to have gathered, clogs are almost inevitable!
Those in the business of public safety, like law enforcement and firefighters, are still permitted to work, as are several other categories of business. For more information, look online to see if the businesses you want to patronize are allowed to remain open during this time.
Non-essential businesses include nearly all recreational businesses as well as those whose business requires people to be near one another, like hairdressers and nail salons.
Covid-19 Safety
All businesses that remain open, including plumbers, are required to do their business according to certain standards so that everyone remains as safe as possible.
People must remain at least 6 feet apart at all times. When our plumbers come to your home, they will keep their distance from you even when discussing the problem you’re experiencing or showing you something.
We will also uphold an even higher standard of cleanliness than we usually do. We’ll make sure we are sanitized before we come to your door, we’ll touch as little as possible in the course of working in your home, and we’ll clean everything we’ve touched once we’re done.
Please know that you can rely on us even during this time of massive social change. We will take care of all of your drain needs so you can be as comfortable as possible at home with your family. Call us to schedule your appointment today!